Wednesday, 26 February 2025

What to think of a video of a dog playing ukulele or the like?

 "  At there was a video of a golden retriever type of dog playing some guitar or ukulele or something of the kknd. What to think of such? There was first a young girl talking long, telling of awful museries in her youth, the audience crying. I coukd not help but remember that when I maybe a week ago saw some music video of a song played maybe in tv when I was very young, that those were awful trouble, I wanted to help in such, and so I tried to compise a melody of how to get the people around or the society to live wiser, good vasic life. ( "  Just an ateempt at natural feeling basic harmony in a society, kind of common sense and people separate, ages old wisdom followed, nothing special 

D, E, A(long), G, E, D, - , A (long), upperC(long), G(long), E, D, G(long)


Just tried to remember from my youth in the 1980's how a young person could create or help to create ordinary good life in the society around. ")

But so, pets sometimes talk when there us trouble, when they get very serious, and that means typically only sometines at the vetenarian, not at home. But it seems from the video that pets can also sometimes do other things kibd of overcoordinatedly compared with their nirmal. The dog playing was it guitarseemed to be helping lots of South-East Asian people similarly in trouble. Somehow I felt that maybe my melody coukd be of help to them too. 

A dog can play piano pimpelipom by plätsis style, if it is interested in such, if it lijes such and has the possibility for such and the environment also likes playing music and dogs doing such. So according to moid dogs maybe can play pimpelipompeli something, and if needed learn something more in that direction, but pressing the strings of a guitar seems to demand motivation like a crying one trues tgat then if such is needed, and some other dog or animal being clear-geaded in tjinking what to press and how, and helping, which I guess is typical for a relugioys person's animal if such is felt much needed in the social environment, grwstöy hemping and prayed for. 



26.2.2025   If there is some unknown group in misery, some of my healing advices are on a very general level, and ought to / might fit for example ufos / extra terrestials, see . Of them having come to my advices, woukd prooably nean objective thinking with pictures of wholes needed unusually much, of which the basic for would be a landscape lije view that observes structyres, see plus my objective paradise theory , and the basic size class of the holistic view would be one's own living kind plus the planets they live in and their beings, and as valyes wishing fairly well for life in the world. So adding extra tyoes of beings is not needed if the lives woukd not otherwise interact, since a theoretical view of the world can add such info anyway.

 I have also written lits of other advices for good life, and those are mostly on a very general level, thinking of the whole world, so at least some of them might fit also other kinds of beings and/or other planets etc. See for example my Christmas gnome/elf skills texts, starting from and my free ebooks and blog s at links from .

If it is space travel and/or too much not-nice indoors disturbing life, my booklet "Animals In Space : Inhabiting new planets" maybe coukd help, see . Likewise my book "Magnifient Views : and nice to live in" might help something, see . Of making homes/pictures nice there is also in my blog post which subject has seemed surprisingly much in the year during the last half a dozen years, maybe because I mistly can generalise the nice sides to be possible for large groups, maybe even for most people around the world?? 

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