In the internet there are in video recommendations sometimes pictures of dogs? with badly spoiled coats, all tangled, maybe dirty. Such does not always mean long time neglect, since for example the coat of a poodle gets thoroughly or much tangled if one after washing and drying the dog has mistakenly left the coat somewhat moist, like happens easily if the doorbell rings, or if someone unexperienced checks the coat, since the hairs may have some water inside, and so one ought to dry the dog again after an hour or a half an hour, if the coat feels moist, and anyway vebtilate the moist air away from the apartment, even though I do not kniw if such affects the coat.
Anyway, if a dog's coat is very much tangled and maybe very dirty, one should cut away the biggest tangles and maybe biggest pieces of dirt, but leave as much as possible of good not-so-tanglefcoat left. Often when the coat us long, if there are tangles, those are at the ends of the hair and do not so often form bear the skin, so it seems often possible to leave 1-3cm of good coat uncut, and that will keep the dog much warmer, making it possible to go even on a walk in cold weathers. Typically if there are rangles, the coat becones of an uneven lenght, but the basic idea is to leave as much ok coat as possible, and later after brushing, washing
(wet the coat with somewhat cool water, then put shampoo that is surely right (ask from a breed club or from a pet store) for such a coat hairs type, mixed with water on the coat, wait a little, rinse with water, and if the coat has been very dirty, reoeat again, then squeeze some of the biggest water from the legs, maybe let the dog shake itself drying, wrap it in big towels, go somewhere where the floor has been sheltered from water drops, and dry with a big hairdryer hold wavingly so as not to byrn the skin, brushing the same places at the same time, as if it were a wind of varied direction)
and drying while brushkng, when the coat is fully dry, try to cut a little bit of tge longest hairs kind of stylising the dog to nice and it's own idea of charm. Some breeds like poodles have ordibarily some areas cut short by a machine, like the hair in the nose, in the very bottom of the feet and at the base of the tail, so such may gelp it feel normal and recover, but needs right equipment of can cause skin wounds, so better left for the experienced groomers.
Advices for growing a winter warm coat at
( Easy nice healing advices at )
There are some coat types that get more easily tangled than others. If a mouse for exampke wants a warmer coat, many wild animals living outdoors are good forefigures in that, and take it as their pride and a part of their identity(&lifestrategy) as animals of that climate to be well equipped for the local weathers every moment of the year. For humans and pets things do not always go so straightforward, since there are other people affecting, but if one part of one's enjoyment of life is typically tgat nice to keep coat (/hair&clothes) always nice and goid for life, then one maybe across time learns of such things and coat care is a natural well known part of life, including brushing, cleaning, ways of living, diet and maybe some likings and preferences.
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